Eye Conditions
Did you know that most eye conditions have no outward symptoms? Oxford Family Vision Clinic offers a wide variety of testing to help with your eye health. Don't let the "thief of sight" take your vision come see us at Oxford Family Vision for the health of your eyes.
There are several forms of Glaucoma two most common forms are primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and angle-closure glaucoma (ACG). Open-angle glaucoma is called "the sneak thief of sight" because it has no symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred. Oxford Family Vision Clinic can test for these forms of glaucoma. Call today to have a Screen Test done to check for glaucoma and let us help you keep your eyes healthy.
The lens is made mostly of water and protein. Specific proteins within the lens are responsible for maintaining its clarity. Over many years, the structures of these lens proteins are altered, ultimately leading to a gradual clouding of the lens.
Macular Degeneration
Dry macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease in which the macula, a portion of the retina, deteriorates. When light enters the eye, it hits the retina, which lies on the back of the eyeball. Neural signaling from cells in the retina allows us to see clearly. If the macula degenerates, it cannot transmit visual signals to the brain, leading to blurred vision or a blind spot in the central portion of the visual field. A less common form of the disease, called wet macular degeneration, occurs when blood vessels behind the retina leak fluid, causing changes in central vision.
Diabetic Retinopathy
For many people, the earliest stages of diabetic retinopathy do not have any easily noticeable symptoms. By the time vision loss is prominent enough to be noticed, most individuals have progressed to advanced stages of diabetic retinopathy that are harder to treat and manage.
Thankfully, regular eye examinations can help monitor the eyes for many of the common initial warning signs of diabetic retinopathy, including the following:
Floaters or spots roaming around in your field of vision
Poor night vision
An empty or dark spot in the middle of your field of vision
Blurred vision